So you ask why are you blogging at 2:47 in the morning? Most logical reason, can't sleep! So.... I have desided that this is as good a time as any to start my first blog contest.
Here is how it goes. First of all you will need to become a follower of my blog. You ask, how do I become a follower? Easy I say. Just click on the "follow" link on the left hand side. Next follow me on Twitter. You ask again, how do I follow you on Twitter and what in the world is Twitter in the first place? This too my friends is easy. You can get the whole scoop by clicking on the "follow me on twitter" link on the left hand side. Once you have done both tasks come back here and leave a comment (click comment at the end if this post) telling me you have completed the task put before you. The first one to do so wins!!
What will I win you ask. $25 in vinyl I say. Uppercase Living vinyl that is. I will email the winner all the details so be sure to tweet me or email me your address. To email me just click the little email letter next to the comment link at the end of this post.
I will also include a great little blurb about the winner on my blog.
Are you ready? Set! GO!!!